Updated: February 28, 2021 Home » Freeware and Software Reviews » System Optimization and Registry Cleaner
Increasingly both Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS are intelligent enough to manage the amount of RAM available in the system, especially newer operating system such as Windows 10 and macOSX. Memory optimization software is not necessary unless you are still using a very old OS such as XP or you have very little RAM to spare. Works great on Microsoft’s Windows 10 and Apple’s macOS.
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↓ 01 – Memory Cleaner X | macOS
Right click the Windows task bar and select Task Manager. Click on the Processes tab. Sort the processes by Memory and look for programs at the top of the list that you don’t recognize. If you spot any problem applications, go into the Control Panel, click on Programs and Features, and uninstall those problem applications.
- Make your computer automatically clear RAM cache memory-Follow these easy steps to free cache memory on your system-1. Download EmptyStandbyList on your computer. Choose a particular place and then click on “Save” to save the application. Close the browser window. Click on the Search box beside Windows icon and type “Task Scheduler.
- CCleaner & Clean master alternative cleaner. Keep your computer clean and fast with Total PC Cleaner. It lets you clean your PC's cache and big files. It has everything you need for a free computer cleaner.
- The main memory, also called RAM memory, is the central storage unit for all data that is required for programs or program parts that are currently running and for all active system processes. This memory, whose data is automatically lost when the computer.
Memory Cleaner X monitors your memory usage and cleans up your Mac’s memory, increasing performance. Cached memory can take up the memory needed for new apps, and Memory Cleaner X increases performance by cleaning cached memory. Memory Cleaner X also monitors RAM usage on your computer, and you can free up unused memory in just one click. The application monitors RAM usage on your computer and frees up unused memory with one click. With Memory Cleaner X, you can easily manage your memory usage. An animated status icon in the menu bar shows you the percentage of memory being used, as well as memory cleaning being run. Features:
- Memory usage information displayed in the menu bar
- Memory usage per application
- Manual memory free up when needed
- Automatic memory free up
↓ 02 – CleanMem Free | Windows
CleanMem is still a set it and forget program and is totally free. When you install CleanMem it will auto run every 15 min by the Windows Task Scheduler. Once installed it is set it and forget it. Just as it always has been. You can configure CleanMem to do more advanced things such as ignore lists, only lists, and log files. These can be set by the CleanMem Settings program in the start menu.
↓ 03 – Memory Clean 2 | macOS
Memory Clean is the ultimate app for optimizing your Mac’s memory and is best used after you have finished using a memory (RAM) intensive app or game. It replicates the feeling of a fresh system restart. Memory Clean works by purging the Mac’s inactive memory and is best used when you close an intensive program that you do not plan to use again quickly within a few hours.
↓ 04 – RAMRush | Windows
RAMRush is a free memory management and optimization tool. It can efficiently optimize memory usages of your Windows system, free up physical RAM and make your system work better. RAMRush uses an intelligent way to manage the physical memory and lets the RAM work in a better performance. It will help you to prevent system crashes, memory leaks and keep your computer running more efficiently.
- Increase system performance
- Increase the amount of memory available
- Defragment system physical memory
- Recover memory from Windows applications
- Remove memory leaks
- Prevent system crashes caused by memory problems
↓ 05 – Wise Memory Optimizer | Windows
Most PC users have known and unknown applications running in the background that take up your computer’s physical memory and thereby affect its performance. Wise Memory Optimizer helps you free up and tune up the physical memory taken up by some useless applications to boost PC performance. The application requires a pretty low quantity of CPU and system memory, has a good response time and rapidly finishes an optimization job. Better yet, it also has a portable version. You can drop the program files anywhere on the hard drive or a flash drive and run it on any computer without prior install operations.
↓ 06 – Mz RAM Booster | Windows
Clean Ram On Laptop
Mz RAM Booster is a program created to improve the performance of your computer by auto-recovering RAM and fine tuning some Windows system settings! It uses minimal resources and almost no CPU time. Speed up your computer, stop memory leaks and increase free RAM.
↓ 07 – Memory Cleaner | macOS
Memory Cleaner can increase your free memory with a simple click and monitor memory usage in the menubar. Memory Cleaner is the perfect tool to keep your computer going full speed and helps you to optimize your memory (RAM) usage with a simple click. Memory Cleaner keeps your systems memory (RAM) clean by monitoring and optimizing the memory usage. Helps you to quickly access detailed memory information and diagnosis from your menu bar and CLEAN your memory with a simple click. Main Features:
- One-click and automatic system memory optimization
- List of apps with significant memory usage
- Memory pressure meter and notifications
- Dynamic and customizable menu bar
- Detailed memory information
↓ 08 – Mem Reduct | Windows
Lightweight real-time memory management application to monitor and clean system memory on your computer. The program used undocumented internal system features (Native API) to clear system cache (system working set, working set, standby page lists, modified page lists) with variable result ~10-50%. Application it is compatible with Windows XP SP3 and higher operating systems, but some general features available only since Windows Vista.
↓ 09 – MemPlus | Windows
MemPlus can be used to monitor the RAM usage on your device. You can clear the memory of any non-essential processes by clicking the “Clear memory” button which is visible in the main window. This will clear both the working sets of processes and the FileSystem cache, if enabled. You also have the ability to clear the working set or FileSystem cache separately.
- RAM Optimizer – MemPlus can be used to reduce the amount of RAM that is being used by applications on your system. In essence, freeing up memory so that more memory is available to you!
- RAM Analyzer – MemPlus can help recover the specification of the RAM that is installed on your system. This information can be exported in TEXT, HTML, CSV and Excel formats.
↓ 10 – Memory Optimizer [ Not Free Anymore ] | Windows
Lacking memory? Optimize with Memory Optimizer. You’d be surprised how much you can recover! Understand your computer’s memory usage and keep it under control – Memory Optimizer will graph your computer’s memory showing you what’s using it and giving you an easy way to optimize it’s usage. Just click “Optimize” and speed your computer up immediately!
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The cache memory of RAM is a very small portion of the standard memory of your system, but the cache memory operates at a very high speed, allowing the applications/ programs to utilize its speed to run its users faster. But, sometimes due to memory leak or some bad exe files the amount of free cache memory can decrease, which eventually slows down your computer.
Make your computer automatically clear RAM cache memory-
Follow these easy steps to free cache memory on your system-
1. Download EmptyStandbyList on your computer.
2. Choose a particular place and then click on “Save” to save the application.
Close the browser window.
3. Click on the Search box beside Windows icon and type “Task Scheduler“.
4. Click on “Task Scheduler” from the elevated Search result to open Task Scheduler.
5. In the Task Scheduler window, on the right-hand side, click on “Create Task…“.
6. In Create Task window, name the task “Cache Cleaner“.
7. Now, click on “Create User or Groups…“.
8. Click on “Advanced“.
9. In Select User or Groups window, click on “Find Now“.
10. In the Search results: scroll down and then select “SYSTEM“.
11. Finally, click on “OK” to save the changes.
12. Now, click on “OK” to save the changes.
13. Coming back to Create Task window, checkthe option “Run with highest privileges“.
14. Click on the drop-down beside ‘Configure for:’ and select “Windows 10“.
15. Now, go to the “Triggers” tab.
16. Click on “New…“.
17. In the New Trigger window, under ‘Advanced settings‘ set the ‘Repeat task every:’ to “5 minutes“.
18. And set ‘for a duration of:‘ to “Indefinitely“.
19. In the same window, checkthe option “Enabled“.
20. Click on “OK” to save the trigger settings.
21. Now, go to the “Actions” tab.
22. Then, click on “New…“.
23. In the New Action window, click on “Browse“.
24. Now, navigate to the location where you have downloaded the ‘EmptyStandbyList‘ application.
25. Select the application and then click on “Open“.
26. Now, click on “OK” to save the action.
27. Coming back to the “Create Task” window, click on “OK” to save the task.
28. In the Task Scheduler window, click on “Refresh” to refresh the tasks list.
That’s it! From now on at a regular interval of 5 minutes, this ‘Cache Cleaner‘ task will automatically run on your computer to clean cache memory.
In case if you want to delete this task, follow these simple steps to do so-
How To Clean Laptop Ram Slot
1. In the Task Scheduler window, on the left hand, select “Task Scheduler Library“.
Clean Laptop Ram
2. On the right-hand side of the same window, scroll down to see the task “Cache Cleaner“.
3. Now, right-click on “Cache Cleaner“.
4. Then, click on “Delete” to delete the task from your computer.
5. Click on “Yes” when you will be asked for confirmation.
The ‘Cache Cleaner‘ task will be deleted from your computer.
Sambit is a Mechanical Engineer By qualification who loves to write about Windows 10 and solutions to weirdest possible problems.
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