Artificial Intelligence Engineer with Data Science
- Python, Django, Web application concepts, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokhe, Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, Scikit, Git, Linux Shell Scripts and Commands : (2 months)
- Machine Learning, sklearn, Gradient Search, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Backpropagation, Computer Vision, Image Classification, Natural Language processing (NLP), Optical Character recognition (OCR), Hand written letter recognition, Face Detection : (2 months)
- Deep Learning, Tensorflow, Keras, Neural Networks, CNN, RNN, LSTM, Human action detection, Chatbot, Speech to Text Conversion, Project : (1 month)
For web scraping we will use two packages called request and cheerio. The request package is used to download web pages, while cheerio generates a DOM tree and provides a subset of the jQuery function set to manipulate it. To install Node.js packages we use a. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Build a web scraper with Node. You will need Node 8+ installed on your machine. Web scraping refers to the process of gathering information from a website through automated scripts. This eases the process of gathering large amounts of data from websites where no official API has been defined.
- Duration: 5 Months
- Starting From: 10th of Every Month
- more on data science training
- more on artificial intelligence training
Big Data Analytics Implementation Expert (Hadoop, Spark, Cloud Computing)
- Hadoop and Friends: Java/Python/Scala, Apache Hadoop, HDFS, Map Reduce, SQL, MySQL, Data Ware House, HBase, Pig, Hive, Oozie, Sqoop, Flume, Zookeeper, Junit/unittest, Git, PIP/Maven, Linux Commands and Shell Scripts : (2 months)
- Spark Data Pipeline: Spark, PySpark Spark-SQL, Spark-Streaming, Spark-ML, Machine Learning, Regressions, (Linear, Multi-Linear, Logistic), Clustering, K-Mean, KNN, NaiveBayes, Classification, Decision Trees, Random Forest : (2 Months)
- Cloud Computing, AWS Hosting and Deployment, EC2, IAM, LSB, Load Balancer (LBS), Availability Group, Security Configuration, Docker, Kubernetes, Project. : (1 Month)
- New Gen Big Data Tools: Mahout, Recommendation, Storm, Flink, Samza, SAMOA, Apex, Beam, Tez: (as Per Batch conditions)
- Duration: 5 to 6 Months
- Starting From: 15th of Every Month
- more on big data analytics training
Big Data Prodcut Development Expert
What Is Web Scraping
- Hadoop and Friends: Java, Scala, Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume, SQL, MySQL, Data Ware house, Star and Snowflake, Dimensions and Facts, Git, Maven, Linux Commands and Shell Scripts : (2 Months)
- Spark Machine Learning: Python, PySpark, Apache Spark, Spark-SQL, Spark-Streaming, Spark-MLib, Machine Learning, Regressions, (Linear, Multi-Linear, Logistic), Clustering, K-Mean, KNN, NaiveBayes, Classification, Decision Trees, Random Forest Spark-GraphX, Zookeeper : (2 Months)
- Spring Microserivces: Kafka, Akka, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Flux, Thymeleaf templates, Micro-Services, Gateway, Circuit breaker, Load Balancer : (2 Months)
- Cloud computing, AWS Hosting & Deployment, EC2, IAM, LSB, Load Balancer (LBS), Availability Group, Security Configuration, Server-less Lambda, Docker, Kubernetes, Project: (2 Month)
Free Web Scraping Tools
- Duration: 8 Months
- Starting From: 15th of Every Month
- more on big data product development training